

The primary purpose of this site is to provide a convenient way for pastors, worship leaders, and church admins to get accurate information about upcoming days in the Anglican lectionary, as found in the Book of Common Prayer 2019. In particular, this site provides a number of features that should prove useful for those who are responsible for creating bulletins and Scripture inserts for their local congregations.

How to Use

Most of the site should be fairly self-explanatory. By default, the main page shows all the upcoming holy days over the next four weeks. If you need to look further ahead (or behind) you can set your own start and end dates and click the search button.

Clicking on the name of a day will take you to its detail page, where the Collect and Lessons for the day are displayed, along with other bits of liturgical information. If you're making a bulletin or Scripture insert, you can click the big copy button to have all those texts automagically copied into your system clipboard. Copy. Paste. Prosper.

The Psalms

The translation of the Psalter used on this website is the New Coverdale Psalter included in the Book of Common Prayer 2019. This translation is a mild update of the historic Anglican Psalter found in the Book of Common Prayer 1662 aimed at removing extreme archaisms while retaining the traditional poetic quality of the original. Occasionally, the versification of the (New) Coverdale Psalter doesn't line up with modern Bible translations, but all the words are still there!

The Apocrypha

Currently, there is no *official* ESV translation of the Apocrypha, although there have been a handful of third-party efforts that seek to fill this gap. Unfortunately, none of them are available online, and so the text of those lessons is not provided here. If you want to include them in your bulletin, you can find the Apocryphal texts on websites like BibleGateway. Just remember that readings from the Apocrypha are properly concluded with "Here ends the Lesson," since they are not "The Word of the Lord" šŸ˜‰

Coming Soon

Copyright notices

Scripture quotations marked ā€œESVā€ are from the ESVĀ® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard VersionĀ®), Ā© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated into any other language.

Users may not copy or download more than 500 verses of the ESV Bible or more than one half of any book of the ESV Bible.